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輸出試驗研究用動物生物樣材檢疫作業程序The Quarantine Procedures for Exportation of Animal Biological Materials for Research Purposes


The Quarantine Procedures for Exportation of Animal Biological Materials for Research Purposes

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture (APHIA)

(In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese text and the English translation thereof, the Chinese text shall govern.)


  1. 輸出試驗研究用動物生物樣材免向本署申請檢疫同意函,亦免申報輸出檢疫。前述動物生物樣材包含但不限於:檢體、微生物、血液、血清及前述物品之衍生物。

When exporting animal biological materials for research purposes, export permit from APHIA is not required and export quarantine is not enforced. The animal biological materials here include but are not limited to specimen, microorganism, blood, sera, and byproduct from the abovementioned material.


  1. 倘輸入國主管機關要求檢附我國輸出動物檢疫證明書,輸出人仍可直接檢附符合輸入國規定之佐證文件,向本署轄區分署或檢疫站申報輸出檢疫。

When the official animal quarantine/veterinary certificate of the APHIA is requested by the competent authority of the importing country, the exporter may bring documents, which show the objects for export meeting the importing country’s quarantine requirements, to our branch offices or inspection stations of APHIA and apply for quarantine to get an official animal quarantine/veterinary certificate.


  1. 提醒您,如輸入國未要求檢附動物檢疫證明書,依據動物傳染病防治條例第36條,本署有權利不予受理及核發前述物品之輸出動物檢疫證明書。

Please be reminded, according to Article 36 of the Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Diseases, APHIA has the right to not accept those who apply for export quarantine without the circumstances specified in point 2.
